Monday, 27 June 2011

Working away from home…

It seems it’s been a while since the last entry.  One might believe I’ve fallen off the planet.  Well, I haven’t – I’ve just been moving around recently =)

Its a funny thing working away from home.  You realise what you appreciate when its 750km away from you.  Nicola told me she’s getting used to me being away – I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing!

We’ve got to explore some really great places while we’ve been here, and get to know some really great people too.  It’s reminded me what a great country we live in.  With Sydney being a city of 5 million people, it’s easy to feel that there is nothing outside it, and yet I am really enjoying being in Brisbane. 

Well, at least during the day I am – I find corporate apartments a bit depressing.  Ikea-style living crammed into tiny spaces, with questionable quality iron boards which are prone to falling on my ankle.  I have new found respect for those who do this long term.  It would be nice to look out the window and see some nature, rather than into the next apartment block.  But still, it can’t be all fun and games, can it? =)